' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Add_JPS_Shortcuts.vbs ' This script will create keyboard shortcuts for easily controlling the MAX_JPSView ' extension. ' Press the Ctrl key and one of number key on the top of the keyboards ' ' Ctrl-0 display the pictures side by side. ' Ctrl-1 display only one picture. ' Ctrl-2 display the pictures one on the top of the other (KMQ, over/under). ' ---removed------------Ctrl-3 display a B&W anaglyph. ' Ctrl-4 cycle between color anaglyph and B&W anaglyph (for red-cyan glasses). ' Ctrl-5 swap left and right pictures. ' Ctrl-6 mirror the first picture. ' Ctrl-7 mirror the second picture. ' Ctrl-8 display a horizontaly interlaced image (should be used with zoom 1:1). ' Ctrl-9 back to the default setting (no mirror, no swap, side by side). ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ option explicit ' Change this constant if MyAlbum is not installed in this folder: const sMyAlbumlFolder = "C:\Program Files\MyAlbum\" app.AddCustomTool ">JPS side by side", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_Par.vbs", 48, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS one picture", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_Mono.vbs", 49, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS over/under", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_HB.vbs", 50, 2, True 'app.AddCustomTool ">JPS Gray anaglyph", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_GrAna.vbs", 51, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS Anaglyph", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_Anaglyph.vbs", 52, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS Swap pictures", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_Swap.vbs", 53, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS Mirror Pic 1", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_Mirror1.vbs", 54, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS Mirror Pic 2", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_Mirror2.vbs", 55, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS H Interlace", "1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_HInterlace.vbs",56, 2, True app.AddCustomTool ">JPS Restore default","1|" & sMyAlbumlFolder & "ChangeJPSMax_Default.vbs", 57, 2, True App.Trace "Done!", -1, TRACE_GREENDOT