' VBScript script for MyAlbum ' Get the current album, print all pictures ' Print one tab at a time Option Explicit app.ClearTrace 'MsgBox "Printing all pictures, tab by tab" , 0, "MyAlbumScript" ' Define the variables dim alb, nb, i, pic , kw ,j , nbp, pr set alb = app.GetCurrentAlbum nb = alb.nbKeyword app.Trace "Tabs in this album: " & nb for i=0 to nb-1 Set kw = alb.GetKeyword(i) if kw.bIsTab = True then alb.nActiveTab = kw.nKeyID pr = alb.PrintOut(2,4) app.trace kw.sName end if ' alb.PrintPreview() next alb.redraw app.Trace "Done !"